3Dresyns has the objective of developing sustainable products and technologies with high added value, in particular it has selected areas with realistic potential for knowledge transfer and innovation to society, in particular additive manufacturing and 3D printing.

Society needs eco-sustainable and functional technologies since the future of mankind depends on the development of an environmentally friendly and competitive industry on a global scale.

3Dresyns lines of research and the products marketed as a result of its innovative developments are the result of immense scientific, technical, production, and commercial efforts, which are transfering knowledge and products generated by 3Dresyns to industry and society.

The objectives of 3Dresyns are ambitious as they aspire to promote the transition from traditional manufacturing to a more sustainable digital manufacturing through the use of non-polluting biodegradable functional materials of biological and synthetic origin.

3Dresyns operates with full freedom to develop its projects, either independently or in collaboration/coordination with other research groups. 3Dresyns has focused its efforts on additive manufacturing and 3D printing, areas of disruptive scientific and technological research in which 3Dresyns has materialized through the innovation and development of high added value functional and eco-sustainable materials and processes for a wide range of application sectors, for the benefit of society.

Dr. J. Segurola, CEO/CTO